Saturday 23 February 2019


Not all Labour folk are impressed with Corbyn and Abbott's support for Daesh bride Shamima Begum.  The former Mayor of Derby has expressed disgust at his leader's sympathetic approach, but says he won't be leaving the party.  Cllr Paul Pegg gave the following detailed statement to the Derby Telegraph.

"His views are not my views, nor are they the views of the majority of the real Labour party or the views of the majority of the ordinary citizens of Derby and especially the Mackworth Ward Labour Party.  I have supported our troops throughout the conflicts in the Middle East. How could I look the parents in the eye, who lost their innocent children at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester or the children and families of troops killed in action, or the families of the volunteers who went out to the Middle East to help with the humanitarian aid and were beheaded, if I supported such a statement.

Yes I could walk away from the Labour party and I have over the past few weeks thought long and hard about just that.   I fully understand why MPs have left the Labour party.  It could not have been easy for them.

I grew up with the Labour party.  My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts and great-uncles supported the Labour Party.  It was my great-uncles who carried Derby MP Philip Noel-Baker shoulder high through the streets of Derby and stood him on a bus shelter on the Market Place.

I’m going to stay and fight for the Labour party I believe in, I’m not going to be pushed out by Corbyn, or his cronies in Derby, no matter what committee they take over".

Cllr Paul Pegg

Cllr Pegg appears to be more in touch with the public than Corbyn, certainly going by the poll in his local newspaper (see below).

Cllr Pegg's statement follows the resignation of one of his colleagues earlier this week.