Tuesday 30 April 2024


This week we're featuring Matt Pritchett of The Daily Telegraph and three of his most recent send-ups of Labour and the nanny state...


Having previously denounced one of his own female MPs for stating that 'only women have a cervix', Keir Starmer performed yet another u-turn on Tuesday's edition of Good Morning Britain.  When asked by presenter Susanna Reid whether Rosie Duffield's statement was right or wrong, Starmer responded: "Biologically, of course she is right about that".

That is another full 180 for Sir Squeaky.

Asked three times by Reid whether he now owed Duffield an apology, Starmer repeatedly dodged the question.  He was then asked his thoughts about what might happen to trans individuals who don't wish to be put on hospital wards alongside people of their own sex (as if this is a completely new and pressing issue for 2024).  Starmer waffled on about 'dignity and respect' before admitting that trans people presented 'a small number of individuals'.  Yes!  So why is it that you and others on the left and centre tie yourself up in knots over an issue that affects such a tiny fraction of society and which the overwhelming majority of people find patently absurd?

Watch the exchange below.

Tory frontbencher Kemi Badenoch was among those who criticised Starmer's trans approach, while quite rightly defending single-sex spaces in hospitals.

With an election around the corner, Starmer knows that trans nonsense doesn't wash with the electorate - but don't for one minute expect his apparent change of heart to continue once Labour are in power.  A two year prison sentence awaits for misgendering a tranny!

Tuesday 23 April 2024


This year St George's Day falls on a Tuesday, so this week's topic is a no brainer...

James Mellor mocks the suspiciously trans-looking 'playful update' to the Cross of
St George as featured on the new England football kit
Matt Pritchett satirises a recent Gaza protest in London, during which a Jewish man
was warned by a Met officer about being 'openly Jewish'
Steve Bright mocks the left's attitude to any display of national pride - what about
the oppressed and disenfranchised imaginary creature!?!

Sunday 21 April 2024


Labour frontbencher Anneliese Dodds has offered a glimpse into how her party might govern after the general election.  Last week she posted a racially divisive tweet, bemoaning the plight of black, Asian and ethnic minority-run businesses 'held back by the Conservatives' economic chaos'.

Just non-white businesses, Anneliese?  Needless to say, the tweet drew a furious response from Twitter users, exasperated by Labour's descent into an openly anti-white entity.

Dodds, who was briefly shadow chancellor, attached an article from the Birmingham Mail.  The article detailed Dodds' meeting with black and minority ethnic (BME) business leaders in the city, reporting that Labour would single out BME entrepreneurs by scrapping business rates and replacing them with 'a new system of business taxation to create a level playing field'.  That doesn't sound discriminatory at all, does it?

Just as the US Democrats have weaponised race to divide Americans, it seems their UK sister party is on track to do the same in government.  Five years of Labour could see critical race theory entering the curriculum and other openly anti-white legislation on the books.  This is what the Democrats refer to as 'positive discrimination'.

Twitter users vented their dismay at Dodds' tweet and many of these replies were eminently more popular than Dodds' original tweet.  Despite being seen over a million times, her tweet garnered barely 250 'likes', compared to thousands for some of the responses...

We are about to enter an age of racially divisive politics from the very people who accuse their opponents of racism.

As for Britain's economic 'chaos' referenced by Dodds, she repeatedly voted for the policies that caused the cost of lockdown crisis.  Each and every one of the crippling draconian restrictions during the scamdemic was strongly supported by Labour.  The Tories may have initiated the policies, but Labour were absolutely complicit.

Tuesday 16 April 2024


With a general election potentially quite near, we have been looking at various ways in which we can boost our output and content without returning to the stresses and financial losses that led to our hiatus of 2023.  Seeing as one of our most popular features was The Month in Cartoons on our YouTube channel, we have decided to dedicate Tuesdays as 'Toon Tuesdays' and will feature one or more cartoons - past or present - in as topical a light as possible.

For our inaugural presentation we have chosen a trio of cartoons from Steve Jones, more commonly known as 'Jonesy'.  Jonesy has taken aim at the recent Hate Crime Act enacted by Scotland's socialist government, which will of course further restrict free speech and potentially lead to problems for comedians, writers and cartoonists...