Wednesday 30 March 2022


Across two of his six allotted questions at PMQs on Wednesday, Keir Starmer uttered the words 'working people' six times.  It was calculated and had as much to do with electioneering as it did taking Johnson to task.  He has revisited these words time and again in recent months as he seeks a foundation on which to achieve something that eluded Brown, Miliband and Corbyn - a Labour general election victory.

Starmer has two main problems with his appeal to 'working people'.  Firstly, he is still a man of little substance.  His policies are thin on the ground and even when he proposes something new it is clear that it is of no help to anyone and will merely heap more on the already colossal national debt.  His other big thing at the moment is calling for a 'windfall tax' on energy companies, but that will just result in bigger energy bills as companies pass it on to customers.

Secondly, too many people are already aware that Labour politicians actually despise working people.  Who can forget Emily Thornberry's infamous tweet about the white van man in Rochester?  Starmer is no different.  It was he who drove Labour's anti-Brexit policy under Corbyn's leadership and without working people there would have been no Leave mandate in the first place.

Starmer's working people mantra was mocked in a recent cartoon by Morten Morland of The Times (click below).

With the ever increasingly woke narrative, establishment politicians now tread on eggshells whenever they speak.  We saw this with Starmer's desperation not to offend the trans lobby earlier this week when he refused to discount that a woman could have a penis.

Ironically, Starmer's recent decree that Labour is the 'party of working people' drew the ire of disabled groups.  A spokeswoman for Disabled People Against Cuts said: "As a disabled person and a pensioner I find this utterly offensive".

It seems that whatever anyone says these days there will be someone who is offended.  We used to have something called a stiff upper lip in this country, but in recent decades we have descended into a bunch of self-obsessed, state-reliant, nodding news junkies who fall apart at the drop of a globalist hat.  In many ways we have the likes of Starmer and his idol Tony Blair to thank for that.


Watch today's PMQs below from noon.

Tuesday 29 March 2022


Keir Starmer got himself in a terrible muddle on Monday when he was asked by LBC's Nick Ferrari if a woman could have a penis.  The Labour leader stuttered and stalled to the extent that Ferrari asked if he had 'offended' Starmer with such a question.

Click below for the toe-curling clip.

This isn't the first time that Starmer has bizarrely refused to accept human biology and it undoubtedly won't be the last.  Across the West progressive and left-wing leaders are not only dispensing with feminism, but women themselves.  It is as absurd as it sounds and one has to question why these people are so keen to alienate half the population in order to placate a tiny minority of people.

When he attacks 'intolerance' in the trans debate, we can safely assume Starmer is taking aim at the vast majority of people who accept human beings are born either male or female.  In reality, the overwhelming level of intolerance comes from the trans lobby and the far left.  Just ask JK Rowling, Sharron Davies, Dr Robert Winston or anyone else who dares to question the trans narrative.  Last week Irish comedy writer Graham Linehan broke down in a BBC interview when discussing the hate campaign directed against him after he defended sex-based rights.

Click below for that very enlightening interview, bearing in mind that the interviewer Stephen Nolan represents an organisation (the BBC) that actively promotes the trans narrative.  Note also Nolan's revelations towards the end of the interview, when he says there are female BBC staff who are afraid to voice an opinion about the issue...

The left cannot and must not be allowed to cancel women - or men for that matter.  Gender is real, the left are deranged.

Monday 28 March 2022


"These are difficult times, made more difficult by the manufactured fear and lies we are fed around the clock".  In his latest piece, Neil Oliver lambasts world leaders for their behaviour over the last two years, not least the colossal exchange of wealth and the diabolical consequences for the rest of us.  He also attacks the absurdity of the trans narrative, which seeks to erase women and consign feminism to the history books.  He mocks political leaders who cannot even bring themselves to define a female: "How's this for starters, if you're a living human being you were grown inside a woman".

This is one of his best monologues yet and covers large swathes of the Great Reset - including Covid, war, hunger and digital currency.

In order to publish this monologue on YouTube, GB News had to include links in the description to the NHS and WHO about Covid and vaccines.  Perhaps one day, as Neil says, the truth will set us free.  

Just don't hold your breath.

Sunday 27 March 2022


20.03.22 - Morten Morland, Sunday Times
20.03.22 - Jimbob, Gab
21.03.22 - Morten Morland, The Times
21.03.22 - Chip Bok, Twitter
21.03.22 - Patrick Cross, College Fix
22.03.22 - Jimbob, Gab
22.03.22 - Bob Moran, Twitter
22.03.22 - Ben Garrison, Grrr Graphics
22.03.22 - Ruben L Oppenheimer, Twitter
22.03.22 - Antonio Rodríguez, Twitter
22.03.22 - Guy Venables, Metro
22.03.22 - Matt Pritchett, Daily Telegraph
22.03.22 - Patrick Blower, Daily Telegraph
23.03.22 - Patrick Blower, Daily Telegraph
23.03.22 - Peter Brookes, The Times
24.03.22 - Patrick Blower, Daily Telegraph
24.03.22 - Graeme Keyes, Irish Daily Mail
24.03.22 - Chip Bok, Twitter
24.03.22 - Bob Moran, Twitter
25.03.22 - Ben Garrison, Grrr Graphics
25.03.22 - Elad Shmueli, Instagram
25.03.22 - Bob Moran, Twitter
25.03.22 - Andy Davey, Daily Telegraph
25.03.22 - Tjeerd Royaards, Cartoon Movement
26.03.22 - Dave Brown, Independent
26.03.22 - Stephen Hutchinson, Spectator
26.03.22 - Robert Thompson, Spectator

Friday 25 March 2022


It was no change in last night's by-elections with all the incumbent parties holding seats.  In the south of England the Lib Dems held both their defences with slightly reduced margins.  Labour held easily in Kent and appeared to take advantage of the absence of Green and UKIP candidates.

The Conservatives held a seat in Northumberland, where newcomers the Greens and Lib Dems siphoned off the Labour vote.

Denne, Horsham District Council

LDem: 832 (46.0%) -4.9%
Con: 628 (34.7%) +0.3%
Lab: 241 (13.3%) -1.2%
Grn: 107 (5.9%) New


Seghill with Seaton Delaval, Northumberland County Council

Con: 702 (55.6%) +1.1%
Lab: 511 (40.5%) -5.1%
Grn: 29 (2.3%) New
LDem: 21 (1.7%) New


North Baddesley, Test Valley Borough Council

LDem: 1,095 (63.9%) -3.6%
Con: 618 (36.1%) +3.6%


Nethercourt, Thanet District Council

Lab: 505 (55.5%) +16.8%
Con: 230 (25.3%) -1.7%
Ind: 175 (19.2%) New



LDem = Liberal Democrat
Con = Conservative
Lab = Labour
Grn = Green
Ind = Independents

Thursday 24 March 2022


Facebook has quietly and without notification restored the Martin McGuinness meme we posted on Monday.  The meme was removed within two hours of posting, but after a swift appeal was restored to the page on Friday without warning or apology.

For those who found it distasteful - tell that to the families of the victims of republican terrorism.  There are thousands of them.

Wednesday 23 March 2022


Labour's Barry Sheerman has surpassed his colleagues in warmongering zealotry by calling for direct armed conflict with Russia.  In an outrageous tweet on Tuesday evening he called for British troops on the ground in Ukraine.

Such a move could potentially lead to a third world war and nuclear apocalypse - the primary reason that NATO does not engage Russia directly.  Are Barry's Huddersfield constituents OK with their MP spouting this stuff?  After-all, in the event of a nuclear war they all would be killed.  The map below ably demonstrates what would happen to the north of England if nuclear warheads struck the cities of Manchester, Leeds and Hull.  Huddersfield is situated between Manchester and Leeds, but an attack on Leeds alone would likely reduce the town to ash and incinerate all its residents.

Even if an Anglo-Russian confrontation did not result in nuclear war, many British troops would perish in the face of a far greater force.  Would Barry be happy to send his own son to Kiev to face off against Russian tanks, artillery and air strikes?

Sheerman's eagerness to sacrifice our lads for another far-off conflict should come as no surprise.  He has repeatedly backed British military involvement overseas during his 43 years as an MP - including voting for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

We must not allow warmongers like Barry to spin the narrative towards something that could end life on earth.  The war in Ukraine is abhorrent, as are all the other wars currently raging across the planet that the media (and politicians like Barry) continue to ignore.  None of these conflicts are worth nuclear apocalypse.


PMQs at noon will be followed by the Chancellor's spring statement, which will reportedly tackle the cost of living crisis.  Watch below.

Tuesday 22 March 2022


A week ago we neglected to commemorate the death of Karl Marx.  We have a perfect meme for the event, but have thus far not used it.  We are not in the habit of celebrating death, as this trait is more commonly associated with the hate-filled left.  However, there are a handful of historical passings that are fair game.  Marx is one, after-all his ideology is still oppressing and killing people to this day - 174 years after he and Friedrich Engels published their communist manifesto.

Another is Martin McGuinness, a convicted IRA terrorist with a list of convictions longer than George Floyd's rap sheet.  While it's impossible to deny his role in bringing peace, many of us can never forget his very senior role in an organisation that was responsible for the murder and maiming of thousands of British soldiers, police officers and civilians.

On Monday we incorporated the spirit of the Marx meme into a McGuinness version.  It goes without saying that we encountered no problems posting it on free speech networks Gab and GETTR, but within two hours of posting on Facebook it was removed.  We both received the following censorship message.

Quite how we can 'harass' or 'bully' a dead terrorist is anyone's guess, but we take note that the Facebook censors for the UK are based in the Irish Republic.  Karl appealed the decision, but at the time of writing it appears that Facebook's sympathies are with the IRA.

Monday 21 March 2022


Socialist Wales has become the second part of the UK to outlaw all physical chastisement of children - after socialist Scotland, naturally.  The new law criminalises parents who hit, smack or shake their children.  First Minister Mark Drakeford tweeted that he was 'really proud' of the new law and describes it as 'an historic achievement'.  He also released a video in which he quoted a UN convention on children's rights.

Drakeford says: "The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child makes it clear that children have the right to be protected from harm and from being hurt and this includes physical punishment".  However, Article 19 to which he is referring does not specify smacking or shaking.  The charter states: "Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them".

Smacking a naughty toddler on the bottom is an 'act of violence' only in the twisted minds of the left, who seem to think they have a right to intrude on how parents raise their children.

Watch below as commissar Drakeford takes great delight in announcing his latest act of social engineering.

This is the nanny state of the socialist.  Commonsense dictates that there is a clear difference between minor physical chastisement and violent abuse.  Unfortunately, there is no commonsense where socialists prevail.


In his latest piece, Neil Oliver discusses the Online Safety Bill currently making its way through the UK Parliament.  From a libertarian viewpoint, the implications of the bill are somewhat troubling.  It appears to present another form of social control, an act which would be more in tune with a socialist government - not a 'conservative' one.

Click below for the full nine minute monologue.

Sunday 20 March 2022


13.03.22 - Andy Davey, Sunday Telegraph
13.03.22 - Tom Stiglich, Twitter
14.03.22 - Elad Shmueli, Instagram
14.03.22 - AF Branco, Legal Insurrection
14.03.22 - Tom Stiglich, Twitter
14.03.22 - Morten Morland, The Times
14.03.22 - Josh, Twitter
15.03.22 - Kevin Kallaugher, Counterpoint
15.03.22 - Christian Adams, Evening Standard
15.03.22 - Jeremy Banks, FT
15.03.22 - Jimbob, Gab
15.03.22 - Pete Songi, Twitter
16.03.22 - Dave Brown, Independent
16.03.22 - Ben Jennings, Guardian
16.03.22 - Bob Moran, Twitter
17.03.22 - Patrick Blower, Daily Telegraph
17.03.22 - Guy Venables, Metro
17.03.22 - Christian Adams, Evening Standard
18.03.22 - Christian Adams, Evening Standard
18.03.22 - Damir Novak, Cartoon Movement
18.03.22 - Tjeerd Royaards, Cartoon Movement
18.03.22 - Peter Brookes, The Times
18.03.22 - Matt Pritchett, Daily Telegraph
19.03.22 - Matt Pritchett, Daily Telegraph
20.03.22 - Ruben L. Oppenheimer, Twitter