Tuesday, 4 February 2025


Starmer's net zero supremo is a cringe politician and always has been.  From bacon sandwiches and fumbling cuppas to excruciating video clips promoting the climate scam, Ed Miliband remains a huge threat to our way of life.  A now deleted clip from 2023 in which he plays a ukulele and sings the alleged virtues of wind turbines was apparently too much even for Ed and he later deleted it, but not before the Independent embedded it on the internet for all to endure...

Ed's claim that a lack of wind farms under the Tories added '£160' to our energy bills is demonstrable nonsense.  The 3.5mW monstrosities that Miliband wants to plant across our green belt cost millions to install and do not offset that initial cost for years.  Of course that length of time is dependent on multiple factors, including the setting and the weather itself - both vital components if these eyesores are to work efficiently.

As for Ed's reposte to claims that they are eyesores (they are, no argument) - does he live near a wind farm?  Would he?  Despite claims to the contrary, he wouldn't - no-one would.  They are a blot on the landscape, a threat to birds, their persistent low-frequency operating noise is damaging to human health, while your house price is going to take a major hit.

Ed's lies are not limited to wind turbines.

In a more recent video he boosts his ego by going back to the year 2008 and comparing himself to Batman (yes, seriously).  Naturally, he doesn't mention the biggest event of that year - the financial crash - but instead embarks on yet another energy-related yarn.  Watch below.

Instead of trotting out the oft-repeated lie that the energy crisis of 2021 was due to the war in Ukraine (despite it pre-dating Russia's invasion), Ed puts his own twist on it.  "The cost of living crisis was caused by our exposure to fossil fuels", he says, with a straight face.  No, Ed, what happened in 2021 was a cost of lockdown crisis driven by the sudden reopening of industry and the resulting spike in energy demand exacerbated by poor energy storage infrastructure.  Without the crazed lockdown policies that people like Ed supported, there would have been no such crisis.  A prevalence of wind and solar energy - combined with adequate storage - may have negated the severity, but would not have averted a crisis caused by excessive and spontaneous demand.

Ed knows all this, but he has to lie in order to sell the scam.  And the biggest lie of all is Ed's claim that there is a 'climate crisis', which most critical thinkers of a certain age know to be a decades-old myth that can be compared to the fable of the boy who cried 'wolf'.  The scam was originally known as 'global warming' and contained a series of threats that the end of the world was nigh, the ice caps would melt and the seas would rise etc.  When none of that came true, globalists embarked on a 21st century rebrand, now calling it 'climate change', which is largely built on a lie that imminent disaster will be brought about by a 1.5C degree change.  The scam is designed to impoverish humanity, erase our liberty and depopulate.

While Miliband's cheesy video clips may endear him to no-one but slow-learning infants, it doesn't make this apparent buffoon any less dangerous.  Powerful net zero climate scammers like Ed will leave every one of us poorer, colder, hungrier and less free.

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