Monday 2 September 2024


The nanny state continued its assault on our freedom this past week, testing the water with talk of an expansion to the smoking ban imposed by the last Labour government.  The establishment just cannot close down our pubs quickly enough!

Starmer also deployed the dreaded 'reset' word this week, with regards to our relationship with Europe.  He tried to assure democrats that Brexit was not under threat, but this was coming from a man who spent three years trying to overturn the Leave mandate and led Corbyn up the garden path to electoral oblivion in the process (and then promptly ejected him from the party after succeeding him as leader).

A discarded painting, raving Rayner, phoney feminist agenda and Notting Hill carnage* were also featured in Karl's latest memes.

* Two victims have since died

Mon 26 Aug - 22 Facebook shares.  The algorithm doesn't like X content
Tue 27 Aug - 200 shares
Wed 28 Aug - 315 shares
Thurs 29 Aug - 291 shares
Sat 31 Aug - 165 shares
Sun 1 Sept - 344 shares
Sun 1 Sept - 358 shares

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