Tuesday 26 July 2022


Kri Starmer confronted by Corbynista protestor (picture Skwawkbox)

You won't have seen it on broadcast media, but Keir Starmer was not exactly universally welcomed in Liverpool on Monday.  While the MSM focused in on his big speech, nothing was said about any protests and a subsequent confrontation with a far left activist.  Starmer was reportedly snuck into the venue for his main speech to avoid left-wing demonstrators outside.  Following the speech, the Labour leader and his team had gone to a cafe in the city, but local activists got wind of this and picketed the establishment.  A 71-year-old Corbynista called Audrey White then confronted Starmer as he sat at his table.

White had two main beefs with Starmer and began by attacking his collaboration with The Sun, a newspaper that remains a touchy subject in Liverpool more than three decades on from its controversial coverage of the Hillsborough disaster.  She then accuses Starmer of betraying the 'Corbyn legacy' and says: "We may as well have a Tory if we a person like you, who lies to the party".  A man then intervenes and attempts to usher her away, while Starmer continues to look on nervously without saying a word.

It's incredibly damaging footage and led to the hashtag #StarmerOut trending briefly on Twitter.  However, there was nothing to be seen of it on broadcast media.

Click below for the video.

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