Saturday 1 December 2018


If you read the BBC report regarding the resignation of Labour's Kate Osamor you'll see phrases like 'support family' and 'difficult time', designed of course to invoke sympathy for the outgoing shadow minister.  However, there was no mention of a bucket of water or a baseball bat.  These words figure prominently in the Independent's version.

Kate has obviously been under a lot of pressure lately, following the drugs conviction of her Labour councillor son Ishmael.  Despite his conviction Ishmael remained on the payroll of his mother in Parliament.  In an outlandish move Labour officials claimed she was "unaware" of his conviction until after he was sentenced to community service.  However, the Times revealed yesterday that Kate was not only fully aware, she actually wrote a letter to the judge asking for leniency!

Again, no mention of any of this on the BBC, just a reference to "allegations in a national newspaper".

Things had clearly got too much for Kate when a reporter for the Times turned up on her doorstep to ask about their findings.  She is alleged to have thrown a bucket of water over the reporter and told him she should have fetched a "bat and smashed his face in".  Is this the behaviour of a minister in waiting?  Naturally, Corbyn had only glowing words of approval for her upon accepting the resignation.  Little Owen also tweeted his support for Kate by lashing out at the media and pulling the race card.  Typical.

Kate and Ishmael Osamor