Thursday 23 December 2021


It becomes clearer by the day that Omicron- or Omicon as it should be more accurately described - is a mild cold-like illness that has resulted in as many as zero deaths and very few hospitalisations.  Despite this reality, British politicians are chomping at the bit to impose restrictions on our festivities.  A split in the Westminster government has reportedly staved off further curbs for England, although Plan B is now in place and will surely be expanded in the weeks to come.

If anyone wants to know what kind of authoritarian mandates the Westminster government has in store for England, all they need do is look around the Western world - or closer to home.  The socialist governments of Scotland and Wales have been less hesitant in implementing such diktats, which is why the likes of vaccine passports, mask mandates and working from home decrees were already in place ahead of England.  Likewise, post-Christmas restrictions have already been confirmed by Sturgeon and Drakeford.

Sturgeon has torpedoed Hogmanay celebrations by banning 'large gatherings' from Boxing Day onwards and ordering nightclubs to close for 'three weeks'.  We've heard that before.  What are the odds they will still be closed in three months time, some of them permanently?  She has also re-imposed social distancing and table service for remaining hospitality settings.

Mark Drakeford has gone even further.  In addition to ordering nightclubs to shut their doors from Boxing Day, he has decreed a whole host of wide-ranging measures as follows:

- Groups of no more than six can meet in pubs, restaurants and cinemas from Boxing Day
- Licensed premises must operate table service only, plus social distancing, face masks and contact tracing
- Outdoor events limited to 50 people
- Indoor events limited to 30 people - except weddings and funerals
- Two metre social distancing in workplaces and public places
- Fines for workers who travel to their workplace when they could work from home

Unlike in Scotland, Drakeford has not proposed any time limit for such measures.

All this for a variant that causes symptoms so close to that of the common cold that no-one can tell the difference - without a test that is.  Restrictions at this point are insane, but what it is even more mind-blowing is that many people will comply with these crazed diktats.

Anyone who thinks that such lunacy won't come to England clearly hasn't been paying attention.  Remember that the first mask mandates were implemented after the first wave had subsided, not during it.  Once Omicon subsides and even with no clear evidence to suggest that the NHS is at risk of being 'overwhelmed', our puppet governments will still implement ever greater restrictions with the main objective to usher in a new digital age of total social control.

For the sake of future generations we must not allow this to happen.