Saturday 8 January 2022


At BTLP we can be somewhat reluctant to expand our social media presence to more and more platforms.  There are only two of us and we already have two Facebook pages, a YouTube channel, accounts with Twitter/Gab/Parler and this blog.  Parler has been a nightmare for us and although we ended up with twice as many followers as we have on Gab, we have never had any technical issues with Gab.  Many prominent Twitter users have recently joined GETTR and it was recent developments in the last 24 hours that led us down this additional path.

As the pandemic potentially draws to a close thanks to the mild and natural vaccine of Omicron, the assault on free thinkers continues.  In the last 24 hours LBC have fired host Maajid Nawaz, who has repeatedly questioned the Covid narrative via his show and Twitter, while former glamour model Leilani Dowding has had her Instagram account removed - for the same reason.  Instagram is owned by Facebook, which is why we've never wasted our time with it.

As the full scale of the crime of the century unravels, it is imperative that our voices survive the big tech and MSM onslaught.  We can do that by joining alternative networks where conservative voices and free thinkers are welcomed, not silenced or shadow banned.  That is why we joined Parler, Gab and now GETTR.

We are not leaving Twitter, YouTube or Facebook - not until we are banned, anyway - but we will lend priority to Gab and GETTR.  All of Karl's memes will continue to be posted to Gab before they appear anywhere else.  Gab is censor-free and there are things that we can post there, which we simply cannot post to Facebook due to its rampant censorship.  We will now ensure that Karl's material also makes it to GETTR ahead of Facebook.  This is not intended to be a slap in the face for our Facebook followers, without whom we would be nowhere, but it is a necessary direction of travel in this increasingly totalitarian world.

If you want to be a part of the free speech revolution, please follow us on Gab and GETTR.  Thanks for your continued support.