Sunday 4 September 2022


Naz Shah's visit to flood-hit Pakistan is a reminder of where Labour's priorities lie.  During a cost of lockdown crisis that will hit low-paid British workers hard in the pocket, a Labour frontbencher jets off halfway around the world to plead for help on behalf of Pakistani flood victims.  It's a terrible tragedy no doubt, but does it warrant a personal aid flight?  Voluntary or otherwise, does aid work not also register as a second job?  Presumably Keir Starmer would have been only too happy to sanction such a trip and if anyone had dared ask he would have exempted it by way of Labour's 'limited exceptions in cases of public service'.  We were not aware such public service extended around the world.

The floods in Pakistan occurred at the height of the monsoon season in south Asia, but just like the heatwaves in Europe that occurred at the height of summer - the culprit was immediately identified by the establishment as 'climate change'.  That record isn't going to change any time soon.  Whatever the weather event - mild winter, cold winter, dry spring, wet spring - the blame will always be the same.  It's a scam that Labour is only too happy to indulge.  Naz Shah's Labour colleagues were quick to perpetuate tales of a 'climate crisis' and 'climate catastrophe' in Pakistan, including Preet Kaur Gill, Yasmin Qureshi and Anas Sarwar.

During her Pakistan trip Naz made several videos on behalf of the Islamic Relief charity, which is based in the UK.  She also wrote an article for the Metro newspaper about her visit and told Sky News that the £1.5million sent by the UK government was just 'one per cent of what the United Nations had asked for'.  She also bemoaned rising inflation in Pakistan and implored viewers to donate.  It was clearly a plea from the heart.

Shah describes herself as a 'proud Yorkshire lass' in her Twitter profile, but when other Yorkshire lasses were being groomed and raped by Pakistani gangs she openly mocked them on Twitter by retweeting an account that had written: "Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths.  For the good of diversity."  To alleviate any notion of ambiguity she also clicked the 'like' button on said tweet.

Ironically, Shah has since been appointed the 'shadow minister for crime reduction'.  One wonders if the remit includes gang rape.  Prior to that role she was the 'shadow minister for community cohesion' and before that the 'shadow minister for women and equalities'.  You might laugh, if it wasn't so insulting.

During Naz Shah's seven year parliamentary career she has repeatedly acted in the interests of her ethnic and religious kin.  She is an outspoken critic of Israel and had the party whip briefly withdrawn in 2016 when she was found to have posted a meme suggesting Israel be relocated to the United States.  She is particularly fond of one of her Commons speeches in which she defended the Prophet Muhammad, comparing criticism of him to the physical damage of statues that was seen during the BLM riots.  This speech has been pinned to the top of her Twitter feed for more than a year.

Since returning from Pakistan, Naz has given a keynote speech at the Islamic Financial News Forum 2022 in London.  There, she announced that the 'Islamic finance sector' is set to grow beyond $4trillion by 2030.  Asides from the question as to why there is a parallel faith-based finance system in the West, why is such plentiful wealth not called upon to help victims of, say, a flood in Pakistan?  The United Nations demanded £138million for Pakistan, but this is a drop in the ocean for a finance sector worth trillions.

These are the actions of a fifth column.  Parallel institutions, parallel rules, parallel finance - taking everything from a host nation while providing very little of positive note in return.

Furthermore, this fifth column has effectively captured the Labour party.  How else are the grooming gangs allowed to operate so freely in Labour-led towns and cities?  Why did Labour's current leader turn a blind eye when he was in such a lofty position as the director of public prosecutions?  And let's not forget who the victims are in these crimes - the very offspring of the workers that Labour once strove to represent.

The party of Keir Hardie is dead.

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