Monday 26 April 2021


While BBC News refused to cover the huge anti-lockdown protest on Saturday, the unshackled platform of Sky News Australia was not only happy to give it airtime, but gave protesters their blessing.  On conservative show 'Outsiders' co-hosts Rowan Dean and Rita Panahi lashed out at 'lockdown lunacy' and Dean called out what many on the right in Britain are already well aware of - Boris Johnson is not a conservative.

Click below for the video.

Rowan Dean appears to be quite the fan of Laurence Fox, despite the fact the Reclaim Party leader considers himself more of a liberal than a conservative.  In keeping with his outspoken opposition to Covid lockdowns, Fox was at the demonstration on Saturday and spoke to former BBC and ITV reporter Anna Brees (see video below).

Note that once again Fox was shadowed by the former Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney, whose ever presence in the Reclaim camp further blurs the lines between Reclaim and what is now known as Reform UK.  With Farage and Tice backing Fox for London mayor and Fox backing Reform UK for the London Assembly one wonders why they don't just join forces.  Egos play a large part - both Fox and Tice relish the spotlight, but they are also awaiting the outcome of these elections in order to assess each other's electoral potential.  Given our descent into tyranny courtesy of the main parties, the UK is screaming for a viable alternative.