Monday 26 April 2021


The socialist governments in Scotland and Wales have finally allowed hospitality venues to reopen - two weeks after England.  Nicola Sturgeon has gone one step further than Boris Johnson and Mark Drakeford, in that venues can open indoors, but only until 20:00 and no alcohol is allowed (another absurd rule in these absurd times).

One man, it seems, was allowed to sup a pint in Wales before the mere mortals (aka plebs).  Sir Squeaky was visiting a Wrexham brewery on Thursday and as part of his photo op poured himself a pint.  Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies wasn't best pleased with the Labour leader's timing...

RT Davies will be similarly bemused by his party's recent poll slump in Wales.  In the most recent poll, conducted 18-21 April, his party have dropped six points and are now level pegging with Plaid Cymru. During the same period Labour have bizarrely gained three points.

Senedd Constituency Poll (ITV Cymru)

Lab 35% (+3)
Con 24% (-6)
Plaid 24% (+1)
Reform 4% (+1)
LDem 3% (-2)
Green 3% (+1)
AWAP 3% (+1)
Other 3% (+2)

In polling for regional seats (Senedd voters get two votes, one constituency and one regional), the Tories are lagging in third place.  However, despite Labour's lead they are still polling around five seats short of a majority and overall would be three seats down from 2016.  In 2016 they were able to govern thanks to the addition of a solitary Lib Dem.  This time around that wouldn't be enough and they are widely expected to reach out to the separatist socialists of Plaid Cymru in the event they fail to win enough seats to form a majority by themselves.

Senedd Regional Poll (ITV Cymru)

Lab 33% (+2)
Plaid 23% (+1)
Con 22% (-6)
AWAP 7% (-)
Green 5% (+2)
LDem 4% (-)
Other 6% (+4)

AWAP = Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party

The sample size was 1,142 and changes are against ITV Cymru's poll conducted 16-19 March.