Thursday 4 November 2021


Far left MP Zarah Sultana almost had a hissy fit on Wednesday's edition of Politics Live.  She said she felt 'uncredibly unsafe' in the Commons to see so many Tories not wearing face masks - despite the fact she is just 28 and has no underlying health conditions as far as we're aware.  When fellow guest Julia Hartley-Brewer mocked her stance, poor Zarah got herself a bit worked up.

Click below for the clip.

Thanks to a written request from Tory backbencher Steve Baker, we now know that the mortality rate of Covid is around 0.096 per cent.  That is an overall sum that accounts for all deaths, including the overwhelming majority which are in the sick and elderly.  As Sultana is neither sick or elderly, she is more likely to die falling down a staircase in the Commons, choking on a halal chicken sandwich from the Commons menu or being sat on by Emily Thornberry.

As alluded to by Hartley-Brewer, Sultana's mask stance is also choc-a-bloc with hypocrisy.  In the many recent photographs to be found on her social media accounts, Zarah is not wearing a face covering in any of them.  We can also call into question her supposedly deep-rooted concern for vulnerable groups too.  This is just a small selection...

Nov 2 - Meeting the President of Bolivia, a 58-year-old cancer survivor.
Indoors, up close and not a mask in sight!
Oct 29 - Indoor gathering in Coventry, sandwiched between two elders
Oct 26 - Gathering outside Parliament with hard left allies including Nadia Whittome
and 72-year-old Corbyn.  OK, so this is outdoors, but in her Politics Live outburst she
declared that MPs should wear face masks 'around the estate' - so fair game...
Oct 20 - Again in the Westminster grounds, this time standing alongside
60-year-old Green MP Caroline Lucas
Oct 20 - Inside the Commons with comrade Charlotte Nichols.  So much for
wearing face masks 'around the estate'
Oct 16 - Joining Sikhs and Hindus for their festivities, but look at all those
elderly Sikh men perilously close to young maskless Zarah
Oct 2 - Remember when Zarah said 'hundreds of MPs not wearing masks is a
dangerous message to send'.  Well, here's Zarah standing in the middle of around
60 people - of all ages - at the Young Muslim Partnership Programme in Oxford.
Not one person is wearing a face mask
Sept 26 - It says 'Young Labour', but Zarah is inches from 72-year-old Corbyn.
This was the Labour conference, from which there are countless more photos of
Zarah and she is not wearing a face covering in any of them

What a hypocrite.