Tuesday 5 October 2021


A Labour minister in Wales has suggested that his government draw up a 'transport alliance' with Scotland and Northern Ireland, despite the fact Wales does not share an inch of land bordering either.  Lee Waters wants to exclude England from his madcap idea, despite the fact Wales shares 160 miles of border with England.  Critics also pointed out that Wales not only shares road links with England, but Transport for Wales operates cross-border train services.

Waters represents Llanelli in the Senedd and is the 'deputy minister for climate change', a waste of space and money position if ever there was one.  He told TransportXtra: "We have far more in common with each other than we have in common with the Department for Transport in England, increasingly."  But what you don't have in common is a 160 mile land border!

What a muppet.

Lee Waters and the border he wants to ignore