Monday 4 February 2019


The Bolton councillor who dismissed Britain's war effort has been urged to resign by angry residents.  Cllr Kevin McKeon sprang to fame last month when he made disparaging remarks about Britain's contribution to winning the Second World War (see video below).  He raised the issue during a diatribe against Brexiteers, or 'Leavers' as he calls them.

Cllr McKeon has refused to apologise and has reportedly been inundated with complaints from local residents.  A petition calling on him to resign from his paid post at a local housing association has raised more than 500 signatures.  An online poll in the local rag is currently running at 63% in favour of him resigning from the council.

It's no great surprise to see anyone from the left mocking or attacking our armed forces.  They truly despise our nation and in particular anyone who would defend her!