Tuesday 26 February 2019


Tonight the former Labour MP for Peterborough is enjoying her first night of freedom in 28 days.  Yes, she was sentenced to three months, but that's the UK justice system for you.  She'll have to wear an electronic tag and observe a curfew as part of her early release deal.  She won't be able to transfer the tag to her brother as he is still in prison!

Onasanya is appealing against her conviction and is due to be heard next week.  If her appeal is unsuccessful a 'recall petition' can finally be launched in Peterborough.  This must be signed by at least 10% of her constituents before a by-election can be forced, but this is not as easy as it sounds.  The last attempted recall petition in the UK failed - in North Antrim last year - falling short at 9.4%.

However, the MP in question was not a convicted criminal and Peterborough's local rag appears to be keen on the recall petition should it proceed.  The Peterborough Telegraph tried to catch up with Onasanya today, but she was apparently not answering the door.

It's time she had another "inspired moment" and just did the honourable thing.  Fat chance!