Wednesday 20 February 2019


Together at last!

Conservative MPs Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston have today resigned the party whip and joined up with the Independent Group of anti-Brexit former Labour MPs.  This takes the tally to 11 MPs and gives the group the same number of MPs as the Lib Dems!

Who are the latest remoaner quitters?

Heidi Allen has been the MP for South Cambridgeshire since 2015.  This is a 62% Remain voting constituency.

Anna Soubry, one of the highest profile remoaners in Parliament.  She has been the MP for Broxtowe in Nottinghamshire since 2010.  Broxtowe is a 53% Leave voting constituency.

Sarah Wollaston has been the MP for Totnes in Devon since 2010.  Initially a Vote Leave supporter at the start of the referendum campaign, she switched to Remain shortly before the vote.  Totnes is a 54% Leave voting constituency.