Wednesday 4 September 2019


Commie actress Maxine Peake has broken ranks with the celebrity remoaner lunatic asylum.  In a refreshing change from over-the-top anti-Brexit outbursts from the likes of Hugh Grant, Gary Lineker and Professor Brian Cox, Peake has criticised the way the elite view Brexit voters.

Maxine Peake pictured with Jeremy Corbyn in 2016

Peake says:  "Being up north, you do get a very different view of it.  The EU isn't some sort of progressive saviour - it's a lobbyist, neoliberal institution.  Suddenly it feels like the London elite are not getting their own way and don't like it: 'Ooh, all those racist northerners,' they say, rather than listen to what so many are actually saying and why".

In the interview with Vice Magazine she also spoke up in defence of the elderly, who have faced a lot of Remainer vitriol in the last three years:  "It breaks my heart when everyone thinks people past 60 are all some sort of white supremacist".  Not everyone Maxine, but certainly a great number of people who work in your industry.

Peake was a member of the Communist Party in her youth, but is now a Labour activist and a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership (naturally).  She rails against the Tories in the same interview, while simultaneously taking payment to voice the government's smart meter adverts.