Friday 11 December 2020


Oh poor Lewis Hamilton. The über rich tax exile has apparently just endured one of his 'hardest weeks' after testing positive for coronavirus.  In a video posted on his social media accounts he thanked his fans for their support, although he doesn't explain what was so 'hard' about it.  He appears perfectly well in the video and has reportedly suffered only mild symptoms.

For people back home - who retain British accents and pay their taxes - this video must have really struck a chord.  Just how out of touch and narcissistic can you be to release a video bemoaning what appears to have been at worst a dry cough, while so many of your countrymen and women have perished and millions face an uncertain future?

Despite his tax exile status, American accent and support for Marxist causes, Hamilton is odds on favourite to win BBC Sports Personality of the Year.  Of course he is, anything less than victory would have the BBC crying 'racism' in the year of BLM and his high profile support for the anti-capitalist movement.  Hamilton's endless hypocrisy is not only lost on the BBC, it's lost on himself.