Monday 1 February 2021


The Sun's exposé of Labour frontbench expenses has been a huge embarrassment to the likes of Lisa Nandy, Jon Ashworth and co, but none more so than the holier-than-thou self-appointed defender of the downtrodden - Angela Rayner.  Apparently, standard fare is not good enough for the sanctimonious one and she has blown a whopping £1,600 on 23 first class train tickets since the beginning of the pandemic.  That's almost £70 a ticket.  The taxpayer will foot the bill for an eye watering £30,952.98 in total expense claims made by Rayner during the past year.

Her colleague Lisa Nandy has somehow managed to find even more expensive tickets, blowing £1,800 on just 13 journeys - again first class.  That's £138 a pop, despite the fact Nandy represents a seat just down the road from Rayner's.  Nandy also billed the taxpayer for a TV licence for her office, as well as hand sanitiser and council tax.  Her total claims amount to £23,083.44.

Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth claimed for a total of 23,865.67, including £72 on taxi fares between his second home and Westminster.

Business spokeswoman Lucy Powell claimed a total of 25,206.49, including £390 worth of first class train travel.

Women and equality spokeswoman Gill Furniss claimed a total of 19,506.31, including yet more first class train travel.

"Standard class is good enough for most people", John O'Connell of the Taxpayers' Alliance told The Sun.  Indeed, and if these parasites continue to feed at this rate, anger will surely grow as ordinary people begin to pay a heavy price for this never-ending lockdown lunacy.