Sunday 14 April 2019


When Diane Abbott stood up in the Commons and gave her speech in defence of Julian Assange, there was no mention of the Swedish rape allegation.  Not once.  Jeremy Corbyn had also been quiet about the alleged rape, but not any more.  They have now both been forced to address the Swedish issue in a humiliating climb down, orchestrated by none other than their own back bench MPs.

A letter urging the Home Secretary to ensure the extradition of Assange to Sweden was penned by Walthamstow MP Stella Creasy and signed by more than 70 cross-party MPs and peers.  The signatories to the letter reads like a who's who of Corbyn critics, both inside and outside the party.  All 11 Change UK members signed it.  Tom Watson's girlfriend Stephanie Peacock was also a signatory.  Crafty.  It's doubtful this letter was so much about the alleged victims of Assange as it was about undermining Corbyn.  The letter and its signatories can be viewed by clicking on the images below.

Predictably Stella came in for some stick from the Corbynista troll army for this course of action...

It's funny how any critic of Corbyn is somehow in the pay of the Israelis.  They must be very rich, where's our bung?