Sunday 21 July 2019


It was another dreadful week for Corbs, the highlight (or lowlight) of which was the full page anti-Corbyn advert placed in the Guardian by more than 60 Labour peers.  The following day the party took revenge on the dissidents, sacking Baroness Hayter from her role as Shadow Brexit Minister.  Hayter was singled out because in addition to being a signatory to the advert she slated Corbyn in an address to a fringe party meeting.  A few days later another signatory to the advert was expelled from the party altogether - Baroness Armstrong.  It's not clear why she was targeted, although her position as chief whip under Tony Blair may well have sealed her fate.  After all, Corbynites can't stand the 'fascist scum' Blairites!

Hayter's sacking for likening Corbyn's leadership to the "bunker mentality of the last days of Hitler" reminded us of another Labour figure who likes to band around Hitler-related insults.  Of course when daft Dave Lammy does it he is only referring to the racist neanderthal working class scum who voted for Brexit.  Naturally, that's perfectly acceptable in Jeremy's London-centric party.

A BTLP original, the Hayter/Lammy meme was shared 1,426 times via Facebook.