Saturday 16 May 2020


Diane Abbott's famous tweet from 2012

Diane Abbott repeated her infamous 'divide and rule' quote in a Zoom call last month.  Footage from the call was leaked earlier this week and shows Diane calling for 'unity' between ethnic minorities (and Muslims) against white people.  Her racist tirade came in a discussion between hard left BAME activists including the MPs Clive Lewis, Zarah Sultana and Bell Ribeiro-Addy.  It's not clear how the video came to be leaked or the full context, but the very fact that two-faced snake Clive Lewis was involved is perhaps no coincidence.  Watch below.

We learn a number of things from this short clip.  Firstly, Diane is a hideous racist who can't stand white people (with the possible exception of JC), but we already knew that.  Secondly, by attempting to sow division between whites and non-whites she is deploying the same tactic she is railing against.  Thirdly, Diane likes a drink, and finally - the broadband connection in Hackney is shocking.