Friday 22 March 2019


The bitterness and hate spewed forth by Remainers online barely gets noticed in the mainstream media.  To publicise it would detract from the narrative that only Brexiteers are capable of such bile.  This week various celebs, most notably Hugh Grant, used their lofty positions to try and overturn the referendum result, labeling Leave voters 'insane'.  Of course there were no howls from the establishment about it, with the exception of populist Piers Morgan...

No-one is exempt from the spite, not even the dead.  Wonder if they'll actually be selling these tea towels at tomorrow's 'Stop Brexit' march in London...

Remoaners have hit out at dead people before, they even set up a website called 'Deatherendum' in celebration of elderly Leave voters dying off.  Type this into Google and you'll only get one news report about this site, courtesy of the Evening Standard.  And even this report spun the story in such a way that the website had to be taken down because of 'horrific abuse' (at the hands of Brexiteers, naturally).

The bias is shocking.