Wednesday 22 May 2019


Shadow Business Minister Laura Pidcock appeared on the BBC's Politics Live today to answer questions about Theresa May's latest Brexit shenanigans.  Despite May having bent over backwards to accommodate Labour demands (including a vote on holding a second referendum), Laura and her colleagues have flatly rejected it.  Jo Coburn's questioning had Laura in a bit of a flap.

She says that the government cannot deliver anything they say.  Well they can't because they lost their majority in 2017 and have to rely on the non-existent support of muppets like you.  If May hadn't called that disastrous election we'd have fewer Labour MPs in Parliament and almost certainly wouldn't have to be taking part in tomorrow's European elections.

Pidcock is on the left and a Corbyn loyalist, believe it or not she is tipped as a future leader of the party.  Gawd help us.