Monday 23 March 2020


The way we're going to be using our platform over the coming weeks and months will change.  We will continue to call out the misadventures of the Labour Party and will, of course, keep you updated on developments in the leadership election.  However, it is only right and proper that we also address the most important issue facing every single person in this country right now.  Everything else is secondary, including the outcome of the Labour leadership election.

This morning we changed our profile picture on Facebook to reflect the crisis, incorporating the message we all must heed right now - stay home, save lives.  In the coming days we will adjust all our sites to reflect this message.  This is the very least we can do.

Furthermore, and in recognition of the fact most of us will be stuck indoors for months on end, we will ensure that the blog is updated daily.  This will include at least one new post every day, without fail.  We will also include the official NHS coronavirus figures when they are released.  This update will appear below the news headlines on the right hand side of your screen.  This will take precedence over the donate button, but if there are any of you out there who are still receiving a regular income please feel free to help us out during this difficult time.

On Facebook we have already begun a regular Saturday evening slot in which a random comedy clip is posted each week.  We could all do with a laugh right now and that's all it is, but remember that comedy is subjective and you won't necessarily appreciate every clip we post!  At the end of each month we will compile the clips into one post to appear here on the blog.

The next few months are going to be pretty shit for everyone, but as a nation we'll persevere and eventually we'll come through.  Try and stay positive.  Avoid drama and watch comedy, listen to upbeat music, get out once in a while and go for a walk - you don't need a destination, just walk.  Remember to maintain social distancing and avoid crowds.  Find a way to help others who are in need, it will make you feel better and it will remind them that there are still good people in the world.  If you feel lonely pick up the phone.  Don't send a message, speak to someone.  They'll probably be in the same boat and will appreciate a chat.

We're in this together and that's how we'll come through it - together.  Don't hoard, don't be selfish, don't take advantage.  Be kind, laugh and bond with your loved ones.

Kind regards and please stay home,

Rich & Karl

PS. please watch this video.  It will be posted on Facebook and Twitter shortly, please share it if you can.