Sunday 14 June 2020


The mainstream media remains committed to empowering the hard left, destroying race relations and prolonging disorder.  Last week they looked away when Black Lives Matter protests descended into rioting and yet turned a spotlight on the disgraceful scenes we saw in Parliament Square yesterday.  The double standards are shocking, but thankfully the longer it goes on the more they show themselves for the left-sided anti-democratic fake news merchants they are.

Back in December we had a general election and the hard left got pummeled.  Whether you voted Tory or not, the Tories won a clear majority.  What we are seeing now, almost within just six months of that election, is an attempt to drive them from power.  It's very sinister indeed, but one mainstream commentator has called them out on it.  Historian Neil Oliver is a well known face from our TV screens and he knows a thing or two about slavery as well.  He also knows what's really going on with Black Lives Matter...

Since this interview appeared last week Oliver has been the subject of a smear campaign by the pro-indy leftist National newspaper.  No less than three articles have appeared attacking him.  Sadly for the likes of the National newspaper and the SNP, their support for Black Lives Matter has quickly backfired on them.  While its true aim is a socialist republic, the SNP cynically uses symbols of Scotland to drive home its separatist agenda.  Problem is that the very same mob they have been encouraging in recent weeks appear to have now turned on the symbols of Scotland too.  The memorial to Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn was defaced this week...

Yet another example of encouraging the mob, only to have them turn on you.