Friday 26 June 2020


We all know that the city of Liverpool is renowned for being red, politically anyway.  Football wise there is a huge portion of blue in there, so perhaps it is for the former reason that so many Labour politicians - far and wide - were lightning quick to heap praise on the new Premier League champions.  They're not Scousers, some of them have probably never even been to a football match, but they're on the Liverpool FC bandwagon and they want some of that glory...

To be fair to Sir Squeaky, when he was asked earlier this year what the most exciting thing he'd ever done in his life was he replied that it was "going to football with my kids".  Enough said about that.  Next bandwagon jumper...

Ah, the Shadow Home Secretary, who is still less recognisable than someone who came last on Big Brother twenty years ago.  His assessment of the Liverpool team from his home in south Wales will of course be of great comfort to Liverpool fans.

Sadiq sucks up to every other minority in London, so why not the three Scousers who have settled there too?  At least Everton fan Andy Burnham was a bit more genuine about his feelings...

Tanmanjeet was born in Slough, so obviously he's a Livepool fan.

Alex comes from a village halfway between Cardiff and Swansea who don't have football teams apparently, so naturally she chose the next nearest team 200 miles away.  Poor effort!  Compare and contrast with the savvy Birmingham-raised Sultana who has provided photographic evidence of her life-long association with LFC.  Who needs Birmingham City or Aston Villa eh Zarah?

Finally, one of the sleaziest tweets came from Bournemouth posh boy communist Aaron boring Bastani, who for all we know may well have spent more time watching croquet than footy...

Doesn't all this smack of cultural appropriation?  Cancel, cancel!